Now, here’s a window box with a difference. It’s around 10m long, a foot wide and deep and runs down the entire length of Locanda Locatelli.
It looks as if a meadow has been transplanted to central London – very Chelsea 2012 – and contains cow parsley, nepeta, penstemon, Stipa tenuissima, Allium sphaerocephalon and sedums. I’ve never seen anything quite like it and I’d love to know who designed it.
The restaurant is within theĀ Hyatt Regency Hotel, and around the corner, the same building is adorned with window boxes filed with the red, white and blue bedding that’s everywhere at the moment. All very nice, but not a patch on this.
Gosh that’s simply lovely and all that’s needed in a trough whatever the length.
Hi Sue
Indeed! I tried to do something like this in steel container a few years ago, but it didn’t work that well. Will have to have another go!
The designer of the planting in the trough is Declan Buckley.. assisted by the wonderful Chris Marchant of Orchard Dene.
Wow, thank you very much for letting me know! I’ve been trying to find out for ages. I asked in the restaurant but they couldn’t tell me.