I first passed this garden in Radstock in late summer. It’s bold planting for a public space, stuffed with grasses and late-season perennials. I passed it again a few weeks ago and the grasses were at their winter best.
I’d love to know more about this garden – who designed it? Does anyone know?
It was these gardens which inspired my Public Planting/Out on the Streets blog theme and campaign way back in 2009. I first saw them looking great in November 2008 and I still think they’re one of the best I’ve seen anywhere.
It was a local firm of landscape architects which designed them about 8-10 years ago – New Leaf Studios if memory serves.
BTW it was my writing about public planting which led to me discovering your blog because Paul Debois told me about it 🙂
That’s really interesting – thanks Michelle! So it’s been there for a while, then – looks well established. Will check New Leaf out.