Almost three years ago to the day, I went to New York. Spring comes a few weeks later there – tulips and blossom were only just coming out and there were no leaves on the trees. And the weather was just as changeable as it is here – within the space of a week, the temperatures went from 20 degrees to 10 and back to 20 again.
I loved New York for the same reasons that everyone else does, but I was also intrigued to see how people garden in another big city. Often the plants used were the same as ours, just planted a little differently.
New York really put the idea of community gardens on my radar. The city has a long history of them and they’re found in the most unlikely places, tended by volunteers. This one was on the corner of two very busy main roads.
The story of the evolution of New York Community Gardens is compelling, even to non-gardeners: http://www.nycgovparks.org/about/history/community-gardens/movement
Interesting stuff! I was going to do some research before doing this post but didn’t have time. In future I’ll just ask you!
my chief sub would just like to inform you that New York isn’t actually a capital city. apart from that she said your blog was ‘alright’.
Good point, well made! I am amending the text now… I’m not sure I like the sound of your chief sub!
The pots and betulas against the coloured are a great example of “color” coordinated contemporary planting; it always good to take note of how others do things – the front garden in Walthamsow also has a feeling of somewhere in Connecticut or the Eastern Seaboard – more pics from across the pond please!