If you’re planting on a balcony, you’ve got to be bold. A balcony is no place for subtlety. You only have a few plants at your disposal, so you need to create maximum impact with them. That way, you can enjoy them from the inside and passersby can enjoy them from the outside.
On my old balcony I experimented with all kinds of subtle combinations. They looked pretty when I was sitting right next to them, but didn’t look too special from the other end of my living room. From a few floors down, they looked a bit of a mess. But when I planted red geraniums, they were visible from the other end of the Willesden High Road – and if you’ve been to the Willesden High Road, you’ll know that that can only be a good thing.
Red really draws the eye – not always what you want in a border, but perfect on a balcony. I like red mixed with pink. I also like red mixed with orange. I also like pink and orange. I love red, orange and pink against black. But I do not like pink on its own. I do hope you’ve got all that.
I’ve made a note for my next Grosvenor square house….
Good! I’m sure it’s only months away : )