I’ve done quite a few posts on this blog about Andrea Brunsendorf’s amazing pot display. The last time I visited, the surfaces of most of the pots were covered in conifer trimmings – something they do in Germany as it’s too cold in the winter for most bedding plants. This time, it had erupted into colour. The bright red tulips are ‘Early Harvest’ and the crocuses (below) are Crocus biflorus ‘Blue Pearl’.
Andrea reckons that the garden is about a month behind this year. It still looks pretty wintery, although the hellebores and daffs are looking lovely and euphorbias are adding touches of acid yellow. Tulips are peeping optimistically through the soil. It’s all happening, but slowly.
So in the meantime, let’s fast forward to June, when the garden will be taking part in the Chelsea Fringe.
Andrea wanted to do something people wouldn’t expect from a garden that’s in a very traditional and formal setting, so she’s come up with the idea of a dog show. She says that many head gardeners have dogs (Andrea has the lovely Boris, a cockerpoo) but that most gardens don’t allow dogs. So on 9 June the garden will be the most dog-friendly in London, with a dog show with categories such as ‘waggiest tail’ and ‘dog most like its owner’. There will also be a horticultural quiz, cake show and gardening agony aunts and uncles. Roll on summer…
I just want to correct our mistake with regards to Crocus ‘Blue Pearly’ – it is actually called Crocus biflorus ‘Blue Pearl’. We have got the name wrong on our labels, anyway I think ‘Pearly’ suits the little sweetie much better!
Thank you again for featuring and sharing our work with the gardening world out there.
Thanks Andrea – have changed the plant name now!
I’m so envious! Clearly, the conifer blankets worked a treat. My tulip pots are little more than a few stubby leaves (ie the ones that the squirrel didn’t ravage), and my winter primulas and violas are looking shell-shocked by the snow. Only the Tete a Tete, Clematis armandii and a few hellebores are struggling on. Winter has totally outstayed its welcome now. The only thing that’s appeasing me is a dining table covered in trays of gerninating seeds – at least they’ve decided to play ball. Maybe it’s due to the lovely Verve growbag compost I’ve sown them in… as trialled in Which Gardening!
Hi Aileen I must say Andrea’s pots look a hell of a lot better than any others I’ve seen – maybe it’s just a couple of degrees warmer in the centre of town (although I know a cold wind comes off the river). I totally feel your pain re this winter. Glad your seedlings are coming along well though and that the Verve compost is looking good! See you soon x